
Happy Birthday Dad!

On my dad's birthday, I would like to say how he inspires me, encourages me and supports me in everything that I do. He has always been the person in my life that shares my passion and love for cooking. Growing up, my dad often cooked for our family when he had the time. Sunday lunch/dinner was usually his specialty since during the week he was busy being a surgeon, rarely getting home before 7 or 8 pm. His Sunday dinners included many Italian dishes like OssoBucco, eggplant, Italian sausage and other slow cooked meat dishes served with pasta and "red gravy". His dishes were never the same, always adding a different spin on a classic dish to make it his own.

My dad taught me creativity in the kitchen. I do wish I had the opportunity to cook for him more but since we live many states a part that is difficult. Often when I cook meals at my home, I wonder what my dad would think like if the dish was good enough or if it needed more seasoning. My dad could talk about food all day-what he cooks, exactly what ingredients he used, the meal he had at a restaurant, a meal he had when traveling, what his grandmother cooked for him as a child and more. I'll call my dad on a normal weekday and before I have time to start a conversation, he is already describing to me in detail what he cooked for dinner.

I look forward to heading home for Christmas to cook with my dad. I am hoping he will make his famous gumbo recipe while I am visiting because there is nothing like a hot bowl of my dad's gumbo during the holidays. But today, I hope my dad does not have to cook even though he would welcome the task. I also hope that he will enjoy his favorite kind of cake-Spice Cake with cream cheese frosting.

Enjoy your day Dad!

Buon Compleanno a te!
Buon Compleanno a te!
Buon Compleanno a Dad!
Buon Compleanno a te!

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